As an anthropologist, I hold that the cultural pluralism is a dynamic force that moves the humankind and that a cultural identity is formed in opposition to other cultures. So, I dedicated almost more than twenty years to studying the Brazilian religious faiths and their relation with political, cultural, social and economic strata. Among my field researches I have first-hand experience of several indigenous Brazilian tribes, Amazonian people, peasants, as well as studies in Christian religions, Islam, Spiritualists and Eastern religions. I also carried out academic research in USA, Portugal, Spain, Germany, France and Italy, with a special highlight on the period of study in the Vatican Secret Archives through an official invitation from the Order of the Holy Trinity. As result of my researches on these fields, I have published a number of books and journal articles.
My honors PhD in Sciences in the program of Social Anthropology through the University of São Paulo, Brazil (2005), resulted in the publishing of the book: “Rural Protestantism - magic and religion together in faith”, considered nationally and internationally a reference in the area of Religious Sciences. My PhD degree is also recognized on Europe. In 2013, I joined the post-doctoral program at the same University. This postdoctoral study resulted in the book: “Freeing the Captives - under the protection of Our Lady of Good Remedy”, which includes unpublished correspondences found in the Vatican's Secret Archives, and documents from the Rome, France, Spain, Portugal and Brazil surveys. From 2016 I joined a second post-doctoral program at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, with funding from the Santander Universities Program, to study the Portuguese cultural heritage found in Brazilian Neo Pentecostalism in order to better understand the current relation of religion and politics in Brazil.
During the last twenty years I have been a professor on several graduation courses at Mackenzie University, Brazil, teaching various disciplines (Cultural Anthropology, Anthropology of Religion, Brazilian Religions, Religious Thought, Ethics, Hermeneutics and Ethnobotany). For the last eight years I have been also professor of the postgraduate program in Religion Sciences at the same University, and the coordinator of post-graduation courses in Education, Philosophy and Theology. I’m also a member of Ethics Committee for Human Beings and of Center for Ethics and Citizenship; contributing as Institutional Reviewer for Brazilian government, academic journals, funding agencies, and as a publishing consultant. I’m the founder and leader of “Center for the Study of Religious Manifestations in Brazil” and “Protestantism’s Studies Nucleus” on Mackenzie University, each one with associated members from national and international academic institutions, being funded by MackPesquisa agency.
Besides all that, I’m a professor on Lusophone University of Humanities and Tecnology (ULHT), Lisbon, Portugal, at Science of Religions Department and a integrated researcher of The University of Lisbon, on Center of Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures (CLEPUL).

Rural Anthropology
rural protestantism
popular catholicism
ritual herbs
magic herbs
medicinal herbs
criptobotany e criptozoology
2003 - 2005
University of São Paulo, Brazil
PhD on Social Sciences / Anthropology
Thesis: Magic, Religion and Life of a rural protestantism
1994 - 1996
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/National Museum, Brazil
Master on Sciences (Botany)
Dissertation: Ethnobotanical aspects of a protestant rural area - São João da Cristina, MG.
1988 - 1992
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Graduation on Sciences (Biology)
Anthropology of Religion
Biblical Anthropology
magic and religion on Bible
animals and herbs on Bible
sacred spaces
kinship and inheritance
gender relations
2017 - actual
Open University of Lisbon, Portugal
Post-doctorate on Globalization Studies
Research: Survivors of Lusitan religion on brazillian neopenthecostalism
2013 - 2014
University of São Paulo, Brazil
Post-doctorate on Anthropology and History
Research: Devotion to Our Lady of Remedies and its relations with the abolitionism movement in Brazil